World Day for Cultural Diversity, Dialogue and Development

Part of: DfI Equality

In 2002, the UN General Assembly declared that 21 May would be World Day for Cultural Diversity, for Dialogue and Development. The day advances the goals of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

The day is an opportunity, across the NICS, to learn more about partnership working to promote racial equality and social inclusion. The Racial Equality Strategy for Northern Ireland, published in 2015, provides a framework for Government and others to tackle racial inequalities, eradicate racism and promote good race relations. It aims to tackle racial inequalities and open up opportunity for all by:

• eradicating racism and hate crime; and

• promoting good race relations and social cohesion.

The strategy is supported by a Racial Equality Subgroup which puts the voices of minority ethnic people and migrants at the heart of government. A Racial Equality Champion has also been appointed in each NICS department to increase understanding of racial equality and to mainstream this commitment into all NICS policy and practices.

Watch the film below to learn more about Tom Kennedy and his work as DfI’s Racial Equality Champion.

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