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5036 publications

DFI/2022-0375: Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the Department for Infrastructure’s ICT server hardware, licences, maintenance & network maintenance support contracts, including, for each contract (if applicable) the: 1) title; 2) type; 3)

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0377: Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the: 1) TrafficWatchNI website's: a) number of daily accesses &; b) unique daily users; c) most popular features; d) annual cost; & e) any planned upgrades; 2) data services': a) RSS feed sub

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0378: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for all information held by the Department for Infrastructure, & any associated correspondence, about a property on the Foygh Road, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. 

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0379: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of times each Councillor elected for the Slieve Croob DEA, Newry Mourne & Down Council has corresponded with the Department since May 2019. 

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0380: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for information about persistent flooding at a property in Richhill, including: 1) a map of all pipework & watercourse outflows in the vicinity; 2) copies of all flooding reports, including dates & times

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0381: Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for information held by the Department for Infrastructure about the Northern Ireland Railways Enterprise Service over the last decade, including: 1) copies of all reports submitted to the Department; & 2) details

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0382: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of: 1) all communications relating to the legal challenge/environmental mitigations mentioned (Item 2) in the Whooper Swan Working Group Minutes of 19 October 2018; & 2) all minutes of Strategic P

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0383: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of: 1) an email from Fermanagh & Omagh District Council to DfI Planning, explaining its reasons for issuing an Article 7 Direction restricting proposed mineral exploration drilling at Cavanacaw Go

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0384: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for information about the Residents' Parking Zone scheme in Belfast, 01 February 2022-31 October 2022, including: 1) the numbers of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued, by street; 2) the numbers of PCNs iss

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0385: Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of overtime working to reduce testing delays at the Driver & Vehicle Agency's Coleraine Test Centre in the last 12 months, including: 1) the dates & times overtime was worked; & 2) who deci

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0386: Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details (registration, make, model, licence issue & expiry dates) of motor vehicles registered for public hire, with either new or renewal licences, from 01 April 2022 to 31 October 2022.

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0388: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of all information held about: 1) DfI Roads' Street Lighting Capital Replacement Programme; & 2) the lighting in the vicinity of Callan Bridge Park, Armagh. 

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0389: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of DfI Roads' carriageway inspection records & complaints received, December 2021 to February 2022, associated with a claim for damages for an incident on 26 January 2022 on the Eglish Road, B

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0390: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of the Agendas & Minutes for all quarterly meetings between the Chief Planner & the Chief Commissioner of the Planning Appeals Commission, since July 2022.

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0391: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the Newry Canal Restoration Project, including: 1) a breakdown of the project & the cost for the Victoria Lock & 2) a breakdown of & the costs for repairs & dredging the canal.

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0392: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the old Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, from 01 January to date, including: 1) the numbers of incidents causing damage to the bridge or signage & details of any associated repair costs;

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0393: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for a list of the 20 most expensive of the Department for Infrastrucure's infrastructure projects in the last 10 years, including: 1) the total cost for each project; 2) the numbers of trees or hed

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0395: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of the 3 most recent carriageway inspection reports for B8 Newry - Hilltown Road for the stretch at the "Seven Sisters", Hilltown.

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0396: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for a copy of the Department for Infrastructure Regional Planning Directorate’s report supporting the call-in of Planning Application LA02/2019/0775/F - Proposed hotel at Crankill Rd, Ballymena.

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2022-0394: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of information held relating to Knock Iveagh Wind Turbine, Katesbridge (Planning reference - Q/2012/0303/F) including: 1) all correspondence between Armagh City Council & the Department for Infras

Published 28 January 2023FOI/EIR responses

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