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5036 publications

A key recommendation of the Public Accounts Committee report on Planning in Northern Ireland (March 2022) was that a Regional Planning Commission be established.


Published 31 May 2023Agendas and minutes

The Department for Infrastructure has made a Statutory Rule entitled “The Parking Places (Disabled Persons’ Vehicles) (Amendment No. 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 2023”, (S.R. 2023 No. 82) which comes into operation on 19 June 2023.

Published 30 May 2023Legislation and regulations

The Department for Infrastructure has made a Statutory Rule entitled “The Parking Places (Disabled Persons’ Vehicles) (Amendment No. 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2023”, (S.R. 2023 No. 83) which comes into operation on 19 June 2023.

Published 30 May 2023Legislation and regulations

The Department for Infrastructure has made a Statutory Rule entitled “The Parking Places (Disabled Persons’ Vehicles) (Amendment No. 4) Order (Northern Ireland) 2023”, (S.R. 2023 No. 84) which comes into operation on 19 June 2023.

Published 30 May 2023Legislation and regulations

An annual report on Sustainable Water is published each year highlighting the programmes and plans that have been put in place to tackle areas of drinking water quality, flood risk, environmental requirements and water and sewerage services.

Published 26 May 2023Corporate reports

This page gives you access to the minutes of the DVA Strategic Management Board meetings held during 2023.

Published 26 May 2023Agendas and minutes

Moving Road Safety Education and Advertising from paid-for (TV, RADIO, Bus rears, bus stops, posters) to not-paid for (social media, electronic communications instead of hard copy materials for schools, not replenishing school resources).

Published 24 May 2023Impact assessments

DFI/2023-0140: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the Department for Infrastructure’s ICT server hardware, licences, maintenance & network maintenance support contracts, including: 1) the contract title; 2) contract(s) type; 3) the supplier

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0143: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for a copy of the Habitats Regulations Assessment that informed DfI Rivers' Schedule 6 consent allowing discharge of storm water from a service station at Tirbracken Road, Drumahoe, Derry.

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0144: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details, for the period from 01 January - 31 March 2023, of the numbers of: 1) driving licence applications referred to the Driver and Vehicle Agency's medical advisers at the Occupational Health Service (OHS) fo

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0145: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the time taken by the Driver and Vehicle Agency to process a first provisional driving licence, applied for in April 2022, including: 1) when the application will be fully processed; 2) how long any furthe

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0146: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of DfI Roads' maintained street lights in Northern Ireland,  broken down by lantern type (SOX, SON, LED etc) &, if possible, by each Roads Division.

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0151: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of DfI Roads': 1) highway inspection records; 2) all opening/closing notices; 3) any defect notices; 4) or records of complaints received by DfI Roads relating to Leyland Drive, Ballycastl

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

This form considers the equality impacts of cessation of funding for towpath minor maintenance work at Lagan Valley Regional Park.

Published 24 May 2023Impact assessments

DFI/2023-0152: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of falls reported in Armagh City following installation of new pavement on named streets in the City, a number of years ago, & the amounts of compensation paid out.

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0153: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of any inspections & surveys carried out on Mill Road & Drumbo Road, Drumbo, & Mealough Road, Carryduff, with particular reference to a raised manhole cover, & the dates that the c

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0160: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for the total number of: 1) issues; 2) streetlights; & 3) potholes reported to DfI Roads by each Ards & North Down Borough Councillor, from 01 May 2022 to date, by email, telephone or NIDirect.

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

DFI/2023-0166: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of parking enforcement, including: 1) the number of hours Traffic Attendants were deployed in each town or village within Ards & North Down Borough Council area; 2) the number of Penalty Charg

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

A Vision for Living With Water in Derry/Londonderry outlines the approach being taken by the Department to develop integrated and sustainable drainage solutions across the City and surrounding areas.

Published 24 May 2023Development plan/framework

DFI/2023-0147: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the new Planning Portal, including: 1) the identity of any companies involved in its creation & the total payments made to such companies; 2) confirmation of whether all contractual obligations were fu

Published 24 May 2023FOI/EIR responses

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