The Trunk Road T2 (Ballynahinch Bypass) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 No. 153

Date published: 07 June 2021

Last updated: 07 June 2021


The Department for Infrastructure has made a Statutory rule entitled ‘The Trunk Road T2 (Ballynahinch Bypass) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021’ (S.R. 2021 No. 153) which will come into operation on 16 July 2021.

The Order provides that 3138 metres of new and 257 metres of upgraded road in the townlands of Ballynahinch, Glassdrumman, Ballylone Little, Ballylone Big, Magheradrool and Ballymaglave South, County Down, shall become trunk road and be part of the Belfast - Newcastle Trunk Road T2.

The Order also provides for the abandonment and stopping-up of certain roads as set out in parts 2 to 4 of the schedule and to the de-trunking of roads as per part 5 of the Schedule.

Copies of the Order may be obtained from

Department for Infrastructure
Lands HQ
Room 2-01
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street

or viewed online at

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