Planning advert - LA11/2018/0937/TBA - notification of decision (Aug 2020)

Date published: 11 August 2020

Copy of the advert published advising planning permission has been granted for the following planning application in the Republic of Ireland.

Ref. No. LA11/2018/0937/TBA
Location Momeen and Lettergull Lifford PO Co Donegal
Proposal 6 no. wind turbines with an overall blade tip height of up to 135 metres and all associated foundations and hard standing areas, 1 no. borrow pit, 1 no. permanent anemometry mast up to a height of 100 metres, upgrade of existing and provision of new site access roads and associated drainage, 1 no. electrical substation compound, which will have 1 no. control building, associated electrical plant and equipment, and a waste water holding tank.  1 no. temporary construction compound and all associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbine to the proposed on site substation, as well as on site underground cabling to facilitate electrical connection to the national grid, and all associated site development works, including amenity trails on wind farm roads, car parking, seating benches and signage.
Date(s) advertised 11-13 August 2020


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