Planning advert - LA09/2022/0666/TBA - notification of transboundary application with EIA (Aug 2022)

Date published: 01 August 2022

Copy of the advert published advising that Monaghan County Council has received the following planning application which is likely to have significant effects on the environment in Northern Ireland and which includes an Environmental Impact Assessment report as part of the submission.

Ref. No. LA09/2022/0666/TBA
Location Drumbirn, Derryrellan, Luppan, Aghamackalinn, Greagh, Dernadarriff, and Cornaheive, County Monaghan.
Proposal Amendments to the development permitted under Monaghan County Council Planning Register Reference 10/110 (An Bord Pleanála Reference PL18.240760) to provide for: (i) modifications to the finished floor levels of the permitted wind turbines and meteorological mast to account for existing ground levels; (ii) the reconfiguration of the crane hardstandings of turbines T2 and T3; (iii) the omission of 845 metres of permitted wind farm access track between turbines T4 and T6 including the crossing of the Rakelly stream; (iv) the realignment of 140 metres of underground wind farm electrical cabling between turbines T4 and T6 to follow an existing forestry track; (v) the omission of 145 metres of underground wind farm electrical cabling and its replacement with 145 metres of overhead electricity line; (vi) the omission of the permitted electrical switchroom; (vii) temporary haul route upgrade works along the L11131, L5151, L1122, and L5150 local roads, and the creation of a temporary site entrance and access track from the L5150; and, (viii) all associated site development, drainage, access and reinstatement works.
Dates advertised 2 - 4 August 2022


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