Planning advert - LA03/2015/0234/F - Publicity of Hearing (May 2021)

Date published: 26 May 2021

Copy of the advert published advising that the Hearing into the following planning application will open at 10.30am on Wednesday 23 June 2021 and continue the following day, Thursday 24 June 2021, as necessary. The Hearing will take place remotely.

Ref. No. LA03/2015/0234/F
Location Lands extending NW and SE of Whappstown Road, Moorefields Castlegore, Ballymena. Lands to the SE of Whappstown Road surrounding No. 11 Whappstown Road and approximately 100m south of No. 19 Whappstown Road, 150m west of No. 20 Speerstown Road and 290m northwest of No. 93 Tildarg Road. Lands located NW of Whappstown Road beginning approximately 120m north of No. 16 Whappstown Road 20m east of No. 7 Ross Lane and 190m southeast of No. 6 Craigstown Road.
Proposal Construction and operation of a solar farm. Development comprises photo-voltaic panels on mounting frames; 1 No. substation; 18 No. Inverter stations; 21 No. CCTV cameras (3m high poles); 2.45m high perimeter fence; upgrading of 2 No. existing accesses onto Whappstown Road; internal service tracks; 2 No. temporary construction compounds; and additional landscaping to augment existing.
Dates advertised 25 & 27 May 2021


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