Making Belfast an Active City – Belfast Cycling Network 2021

Date published: 04 June 2021

The publication of ‘Making Belfast an Active City – Belfast Cycling Network 2021’ fulfils a commitment set out in ‘Northern Ireland Changing Gear – a Bicycle Strategy for Northern Ireland’ (published in August 2015).  It follows a public consultation in 2017 and sets out a blueprint for the development and operation of the cycling infrastructure in the city for the next ten years.

‘Planning for the Future of Transport – Time for Change’, which was also published by the Department in June 2021, places active travel and sustainable travel modes at the very heart of the Department’s transport programme, in support of the Programme for Government draft Outcomes Framework.  Accordingly, the Belfast Cycling Network commits the Department to reimagining and reshaping our spaces to make proper provision for cycling, to help build a better future that delivers more for our citizens, socially and economically, delivering cleaner, greener and healthier communities.

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