Guide to medical and occupational psychological fitness requirements

Date published: 26 October 2022

Last updated: 21 November 2023

This guide is aimed at people and organisations carrying out medical and occupational psychological fitness examinations under the Train Driving Licences and Certificates Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 (as amended) (TDLCR), and railway undertakings and infrastructure managers (referred to as ‘train operators’ in this guide unless the requirement is on a specific person) who have employees driving trains on the mainline railway. It explains: the different aspects of the medical examination; the occupational psychological fitness examination; how often train drivers must have a medical or occupational psychological fitness examination;  the information that should be recorded and relayed to DfI when medical or occupational psychological fitness examinations are carried out;  the process for doctors and psychologists to obtain and maintain recognition to carry out examinations of train drivers under the TDLCR; and , the appeal process if recognition is refused or for removal from the register.

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