Draft DfI Budget 2021-22 - Screening form

Date published: 23 February 2021

The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) delivers essential services every day and works to improve the lives of all those living in, working in and visiting Northern Ireland. Having modern and sustainable water, drainage and public transport networks is essential if we are to grow our economy and improve the lives of everyone, in a way that addresses regional imbalance and responds to the climate change imperative. Sustained investment in key projects in water, drainage and public transport is therefore needed to do this.

The intended aims of the DfI budget for 2021-22 is to enable the Department to fulfil its legal obligations and ensure that the essential services as outlined above can be delivered.

This screening assessment is being completed to provide detail on equality issues that may arise and will need to be considered during resource budget allocations.


  • Existing/Revised/New:  Existing
  • Date of Screening:  22 February 2021
  • Screening Outcome – Full EQIA Recommended: No
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