DFI/2024-0189 - Details of the number of carriageway defects or other faults reported to DfI Roads by 7 Newtownards DEA councillors from 06 May 2023 to 05 May 2024.

Date published: 04 July 2024

DFI/2024-0189: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the number of carriageway defects or other faults reported to DfI Roads by 7 Newtownards DEA councillors (Cllr. N. Armstrong-Cotter, Cllr. S. McIlveen, Cllr. C. Kennedy, Cllr. A. McDowell, Cllr. S. Irvine, Cllr. V. Moore & Cllr. R. Smart), from 06 May 2023 to 05 May 2024.

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