DFI/2023-0205 - EIR request for details of all costs to DfI, either advance preparation or clean-up, associated with bonfires in 2022, including for all: 1) Eleventh Night/Twelfth of July bonfires; & 2) August bonfires, the a) overall clean-up costs etc.

Date published: 31 July 2023

DFI/2023-0205: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of all costs to the Department for Infrastructure, either advance preparation or clean-up, associated with bonfires in 2022, including for all: 1) Eleventh Night/Twelfth of July bonfires; & 2) August bonfires, the a) overall clean-up costs to restore the street to its previous condition; b) overall preparation costs (e.g. boarding up properties, etc.); & c) these figures broken down for each individual bonfire.

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