DFI/2023-0135 - EIR request for details of DfI's actions to meet climate change targets, including: 1) its policy, aims & objectives especially regarding 'just transition'; 2) any specific targets for numbers of people using public transport; etc.

Date published: 18 May 2023

DFI/2023-0135: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the Department for Infrastructure's actions to meet climate change targets, including: 1) its policy, aims & objectives especially regarding 'just transition'; 2) any specific targets for numbers of people using public transport; 3) whether public transport passengers are included within Active Travel, or only cycling & walking; 4) how DfI will allocate 10% of its construction budget to Active Travel; 5) the division responsible for compliance; & 6) DfI's targets for carbon reduction & how it will monitor & report on any progress.

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