DFI/2022-0278 - EIR Request for information about expenditure on the Limestone Road Cycle Lane & "Northern Ireland Changing Gear - A Bicycle Strategy for Northern Ireland", including: 1) the cost of cycle lane works; 2) costs of 2017 consultations, etc.

Date published: 25 November 2022

DFI/2022-0278: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for information about the Department for Inrastructure's expenditure on the Limestone Road Cycle Lane & "Northern Ireland Changing Gear - A Bicycle Strategy for Northern Ireland", including: 1) the cost of cycle lane works; 2) costs of 2017 consultations for the Bicycle Strategy; 3) the commissioning cost of the North & West Belfast Feasibility Study; 4) funds allocated to reinstatement of the Limestone Road; & 5) projected costs of resuming works.

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