DFI/2022-0227 - EIR Request for Details of car parking spaces in NI, including the total numbers of: 1) on-street, broken down by type; 2) off-street, broken down by type; 3) free spaces; 4) paid spaces; 5) the cheapest/most expensive location, etc.

Date published: 25 November 2022

DFi/2022-0227: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of car parking spaces in NI, including the total numbers of: 1) on-street, broken down by type; 2) off-street, broken down by type; 3) free spaces; 4) paid spaces; 5) of which, the cheapest/most expensive location, based on hourly rate; 6) Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued in parking spaces for each year, 2019-2022 to date; & 7) whether costs of parking at the cheapest/most expensive locations has increased in the last 12 months, & the amount.

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