DFI/2022-0211 - EIR Request for details of the Forth Meadow Community Greenway section 2 (LA04/2020/1959/F), including: 1) DfI funding; 2) transfer of land at the Mackies site from DfC; 3) any correspondence with the BCC Planning Committee, etc.

Date published: 29 July 2022

DFI/2022-0211: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the Forth Meadow Community Greenway section 2 (LA04/2020/1959/F), including: 1) the amount of any DfI funding; 2) the transfer of land at the Mackies site from the Department for Communities to Belfast City Counil (BCC) or any other party; 3) any correspondence with the BCC Planning Committee, on issues raised in a 21 June letter from "Take Back The City"; & 4) the conditions for any clawback of SEUPB Peace IV "shared spaces" funding from BCC.

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