DFI/2022-0017 - EIR Request for Copies of records held of the calling in of Planning Applications LA05/2018/1154/O, mixed housing/retail development & associated amenity works, Knockmore Road, Moira, & LA05/2018/1155/F, 1.6km link road to the M1, etc.

Date published: 17 February 2022

DFI/2022-0017: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for copies of records held by the Department for Infrastructure with regard to the calling in of Planning Applications LA05/2018/1154/O, a proposed mixed housing/retail development & associated amenity works, Knockmore Road, Moira, & LA05/2018/1155/F, associated 1.6km link road to the Moira-M1 junction, including: 1) the notification to the Council; 2) the decision document & any report; 3) any briefing papers to the Minister; 4) the case officer's report; 5) Ministerial direction to Strategic Planning; 6) records of all meetings involving SPD & the Minister; 7) records of internal SPD meetings; 8) any third party correspondence received; & 9) all other records held about the Application.

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