DFI/2021-0261 - EIR request for details about DfI seeking a Judicial Review of the PSNI approach to a bonfire at Adam Street, Tiger's Bay, Belfast, including about: 1) the cost; 2) informing the Executive 3) the existing MOU; etc.

Date published: 03 September 2021

DFI/2021-0261: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of the Department for Infrastructure's decision to seek a Judicial Review, along with the Department for Communities, of the PSNI approach to a bonfire at Adam Street, Tiger's Bay, Belfast, including: 1) the cost to the Department of this challenge; 2) the date when the Executive Committee was informed that the Department was taking the action; 3) confirmation of whether the existing MOU with PSNI had previously been mentioned to the current Executive Committee; 4) if legal advice was taken about possible ECHR rights with regards to the bonfire; & 5) or if any legal advice was sought by the Department in relation to any s28(a) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 implications, before issuing pre-action correspondence.

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