DFI/2021-0192 - EIR Request for details of Penalty Charge Notices issued on Upper Dumurry Lane, between the entrance to Dunmurry Close & the Michael Ferguson Roundabout, including: 1) the number issued; 2) the contraventions; 3) times & dates; & 4) TA.

Date published: 16 July 2021

DFI/2021-0192: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued on Upper Dumurry Lane, between the entrance to Dunmurry Close & the Michael Ferguson Roundabout, including: 1) the number of PCNs issued; 2) the contraventions recorded for each PCN; 3) the time & date of each PCN issued; & 4) the Traffic Attendant ID for each PCN.

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