DFI/2021-0012 - EIR Request for details of potholes/carriageway defects in 2020, including the numbers of: 1) repairs; 2) complaints received; 3) compensation claims; & 4) the amount of compensation paid, & locations with the most repairs/complaints.

Date published: 12 April 2021

DFI/2021-0012: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details, in relation to potholes/carriageway defects on the Northern Ireland public road network in 2020, including the numbers of: 1) defects repaired by DfI Roads or its contractors; 2) the number of complaints received by DfI Roads; 3) the number of compensation claims received alleging vehicular damage caused by potholes/defects; & 4) the amount of compensation paid by the Department in response to these claims.  The response should also list, if possible, the locations associated with the greatest number of: 1) repairs carried out; & 2) complaints received.

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