DfI/2019-0386: EIR Request for information relating to safety provision and the impact of the SRC Craigavon Campus,on the road network

Date published: 09 June 2020


DfI/2019-0386: EIR Request for information relating to safety provision and the impact of the SRC Craigavon Campus on the road network. Specifically:

As residents, we have very serious concerns regarding the safety of our young people attending the new build college at Craigavon Lakes who we believe will use the dual carriageway and roundabout as a short cut to and from the college. We have read the planning application and although the issue of increased vehicular activity on the network has been addressed, we can see no mention of the increased risk to pedestrians on the A3.

Can you advise if you, as Divisional Manager, have any concerns to this effect?

Can you also advise whether any plans have been put in place to provide safe crossings for students along the A3 in close proximity to the entrance to the college/roundabout 3 or to provide access to the service station/chippy on Lake Road?

Can you advise also, if there is any injury to a pedestrians on this section of the road, which Department takes responsibility for it?

Under Freedom of Information, please can you send any documentation, minutes of meetings, notes which refer to or discuss the impact of the SRC Craigavon Campus, the service station or the chippy on the road network?

Would it also possible to arrange a meeting with you discuss this issue?

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