DfI/2019-0375: EIR Request for information on any discussions held by the Department with any UK organisations regarding nuclear developments in Northern Ireland

Date published: 09 June 2020

DfI/2019-0375: EIR Request for information on any discussions held by the Department with any UK organisations regarding nuclear developments in Northern Ireland. Specifically:

I would kindly request that you provide the years where your Department (and your preceding Departments' titles) has been in discussion with any UK/British organisation on the following matters:

1) Nuclear Waste in NI
2) Nuclear Waste Management in NI
3) Nuclear plant development for waste in NI
4) Nuclear plant development for power in NI
5) Nuclear plant development for defence in NI
6) Nuclear plant development for security in NI e.g. bunkers

For all of the above, what has been agreed/proposed, or in draft agreement/proposal, to date, for any future projects relating to 1-6 above i.e., what activity, which county and with which organisation are you collaborating with?

What is your understanding on the policy of the following:-

1) GDF to be built in NI and
2) Trident or any related activities to be built in NI?

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