DfI/2019-0354: EIR Request for information regarding traffic associated with St. Clare’s Primary School, Newry

Date published: 09 June 2020


DfI/2019-0354: EIR Request for information regarding traffic associated with St. Clare’s Primary School, Newry. Specifically:

Can you please confirm that officials from your office have visited St Clare's School, Courtney Hill, Newry?

I had offered to attend with you, to elaborate on the additional consequences of inaction. The abuse of the schools “Travel plan”, or lack of one, exposes issues that should never have been allowed.

Health and safety should be a number one priority, but for reasons not yet explained, safety comes second place to the school’s policy of getting the problem off the premises regardless off the consequences.

Freedom of information request.

  • May I have a copy of the Planning application, and any consideration provided in termsof a Travel plan?
  • If a Travel plan was not part of the final approval then why not?
  • May I have a copy of any and all particulars, which pertain to the planning application inrespect of parking/set down/pick-up, and the impact likely to be inflicted on a public road
  • Can you please explain what action your department intends to take, to allow me tosafely exit my home on the Windmill Road. Cars parking on either side of my gatewaycompletely obstructs sight lines and requires me to edge out, blind to oncoming traffic?
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