DfI/2019-0334: EIR Request for information in relation to the recent uplift of the speed limit on the Fernisky Road Kells

Date published: 09 June 2020

DfI/2019-0334: EIR Request for information in relation to the recent uplift of the speed limit on the Fernisky Road Kells.

I am writing to you to request information in relation to the recent uplift of the speed limit on the Fernisky Road Kells

  1. In relation to the information gathered prior to the decision to raise the speed limit:

a. During the measurement period how many vehicles exceeded the posted speed limit (30mph); and

b. What were the actual speeds recorded that were in excess of the posted speed limit, actual figures not averages; and

  1. What observations and records were taken in relation to “vulnerable users” using the road in question, if none were taken please indicate this.

If you regard this as an FOI request please advise of charges applicable at your earliest convenience.

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