DfI/2019-0303: EIR Request for all information relating to the A29 between Wellington Road junction and Gortmerron Link Road and also information relating to Park Lane BT71 7JL

Date published: 12 March 2020


DfI/2019-0303: EIR Request for all information relating to the A29 between Wellington Road junction and Gortmerron Link Road and also information relating to Park Lane BT71 7JL. Specifically:

Under Freedom of Information can you please advise -

  1. Advise date that last traffic survey/assessment to ascertain traffic activity was carried out on A29 between the Wellington Road junction and the Gortmerron Link Road junction, Dungannon?
  2. Advise date that previous traffic survey/assessment was carried out on A29 between the Wellington Road junction and the Gortmerron Link Road junction?
  3. Provide a copy of latest traffic survey report on A29 between the Wellington Road junction and the Gortmerron Link Road junction;
  4. Provide a copy of previous traffic survey report on A29 between the Wellington Road junction and the Gortmerron Link Road junction;
  5. Have you any plans or proposal to conduct a new traffic survey/assessment study on A29 between the Wellington Road junction and the Gortmerron Link Road junction;
  6. Provide a copy of all technical reports regarding the A29 between Wellington Road junction and Gortmerron Link Road junction within the last 10 years;
  7. Provide statistics on Road Traffic Accidents on the A29 between Wellington Road junction and Gortmerron Link Road junction over the last 10 years;
  8. Provide details of any Traffic Impact Assessments on the A29 within the 40 mph limits of Dungannon prepared/submitted over the last 10 years;
  9. Advise on any plans to improve or upgrade the A29 between Wellington Road junction and Gortmerron Link Road junction over the last 10 years;
  10. Advise when Park Lane BT71 7JL (private residential development of 4 houses) access road was adopted as a public road;
  11. Advise when adoption request for Park Lane was submitted and provide details of who submitted the application, who lobbied for it, provide copies of assessment criteria and evaluation process, copies of inspections, etc.;
  12. Provide details of all condition surveys, assessments, inspections, etc., of Park Lane over past 10 years;
  13. Provide details of any representations or correspondence, including political representation, related to Park Lane over past 10 years; and
  14. Advise DfI Policy regarding adding additional residential units to existing developments and at what percentage of residential unit increase necessitates the preparation Traffic Impact Assessment. Provide copy of policy, technical advice notes, etc.
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