DfI/2019-0292: EIR Request for information on the enforcement policy of traffic clear ways, in particular the University Rd adjacent to the main Queens University Belfast building

Date published: 12 March 2020


DfI/2019-0292: EIR Request for information on the enforcement policy of traffic clear ways, in particular the University Rd adjacent to the main Queens University Belfast building. Specifically:

I have a query about the enforcement policy of traffic clear ways, in particular the University Rd adjacent to the main Queens University Belfast building. I believe this is a clear way from 16:30 hrs however, there is regularly a private hire coach parked on the inside lane, usually, as it was today, liveried as Rooney Coaches, after 16:30 hrs. This reduces the University Rd to one lane and causes delays for motorists, if you see the bus and move into the outside lane before the junction of University St/Rd then you often take 2-3 light changes to clear the junction, if you stay in the inside lane until after the junction you rely on the goodwill of other motorists to let you in to the outside lane in order to pass the bus- as you are perceived as queue jumping this is often met with reluctance. Today after navigating the Rooney Coaches roadblock I turned into Stranmillis Rd shortly after 16:30hrs, also a clear way and was met with 2 enforcement officers issuing tickets to cars parked in the clear way zone. I appreciate these cars shouldn't be there as they are in contravention of code 46c of the Protocol but question why this is not applied to coaches parked on the University Rd. I am regularly obstructed by coaches parked outside QUB, yet although I have often seen cars targeted on Stranmillis Rd I have never witnessed coaches ticketed/moved. I would also add the Coaches are not actively boarding passengers and certainly exceed the 2 min exemption under the Protocol.

I would appreciate your comments on what appears to be a disparity of treatment between commercial and private vehicles. I would also make a Freedom of Information request to establish in the last 12 months:

How many tickets have been issued to Coaches on the University Rd? and

How many tickets have been issued to private vehicles on the Stranmillis Road?

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