DfI/2019-0288: EIR Request for information on road signage on the A6 dual carriageway and costs relating to graffiti on the signs

Date published: 12 March 2020


DfI/2019-0288: EIR Request for information on road signage on the A6 dual carriageway and costs relating to graffiti on the signs. Specifically:

Information relating to road signs, including:

  1. the amount spent on signage for the recently completed stretch of the A6 dual carriageway scheme;
  2. the expected cost of removal of graffiti on those signs, bearing the name "Londonderry";
  3. the total number of "Londonderry" road signs in NI graffitied from April 2018 to date, and
  4. the amount spent, April 2018 to date, removing graffiti from "Londonderry" road signs.
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