DfI/2019-0286: FOI Request for details of the Department's software systems including finance, procurement and invoicing

Date published: 12 March 2020

DfI/2019-0286: FOI Request for details of the Department's software systems including finance, procurement and invoicing. Specifically:

Could I please ask the following questions relating to your software systems:

Finance system:

  • Who is your current provider?
  • When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options?
  • What is the value of the contract?
  • What modules do you use e.g. general ledger?
  • What is your budget?
  • When did the contract start?

Procurement system:

  • Who is your current provider?
  • When does the contract expire, and do you have extension options?
  • What is the value of the contract?
  • What is your budget?
  • When did the contract start?


  • What is your current invoice process?
  • Do you have an electronic invoicing system in place?
  • If so, when does this expire and is there extension options?
  • Who is the current provider?
  • What is the value of the contract?
  • What is your annual paper usage?
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