DfI/2019-0274: EIR Request for a copy of the Schedule 6 Discharge Consent for the site at Hillside Road and Kiln Court, Ballycastle

Date published: 11 March 2020


DfI/2019-0274: EIR Request for a copy of the Schedule 6 Discharge Consent for the site at Hillside Road and Kiln Court, Ballycastle. Specifically:

Our client McFall Construction wishes to recover a Schedule 6 Discharge Consent for the site located to the rear of Nos. 2, 4, and 4a Hillside Road and Nos. 1-8 Kiln Court, Ballycastle, Planning Ref. LA01/2018/1181/F (See Site Location Plan attached).

Our client obtained an Article 17 agreement from NI Water (Ref: IM/ME/D/17) for the site on 16/03/2005 on the basis of the Schedule 6 Discharge Consent to discharge stormwater from the development to a designated watercourse at manhole U2901/03, as shown on the Rivers Agency Map and Approved Article 17 drawing attached. It is our understanding that this watercourse discharges to the Tow River to the South East of the site.

The sewers which were approved in the Article 17 agreement were constructed and the Schedule 6 Discharge Consent was implemented.
Could you please attempt to recover this Schedule 6 Discharge Consent and return a copy on the basis of this Freedom of Information Request? If you require any further information please do not hesitate in contacting this office.

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