DfI/2019-0269: EIR Request on flag complaints received by DfI pertaining to flags flying from DfI property in North Belfast

Date published: 11 March 2020

DfI/2019-0269: EIR Request on flag complaints received by DfI pertaining to flags flying from DfI property in North Belfast. Specifically:

I am writing to you regarding the flying of flags on street furniture owned by the Department for Communities. Our office has been contacted on a number of occasions, usually during the marching season, by concerned residents from all backgrounds stating their objection to the erection of the flags and their desire to have them removed by the statutory bodies. I am aware that the department consults the PSNI after a complaint has been received, and in turn, the PSNI will provide a recommendation to the department, advising of the risks (or lack thereof) in removing these flags. I understand that sole responsibility lies with the department to take the decision to remove flags and the PSNI’s role in this is merely advisory.

Our issue and the basis of this freedom of information request is that when we have received cross community and public representative support to have flags removed, PSNI have deemed that to do so would have the potential to breach the peace or would pose a risk to staff removing flags, and the department do not remove the flag.

Therefore, can the Department for Infrastructure please provide information on the following?

  1. How many flag complaints were received by DfI pertaining to flags flying from DfI property in North Belfast from June 2018 to present?
  2. How many of these complaints did the PSNI deem to be unsafe to remove?
  3. How many of these complaints did the PSNI deem to be safe and, if applicable, were then removed by DfI?
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