DfI/2019-0263: EIR Request for information relating to the maintenance and ownership of section of Beach Avenue, Newcastle

Date published: 11 March 2020


DfI/2019-0263: EIR Request for information relating to the maintenance and ownership of section of Beach Avenue, Newcastle. Specifically:

I am writing to put in a Freedom of Information Request to the Department of Infrastructure about the section of Beach Avenue in Newcastle marked in red on the attached map. I put in a Freedom of Information request through our local Council (Newry, Mourne and Down) which didn't turn up any information that we didn't already know about and they suggested that we do the same through the Department of Infrastructure.

What we are seeking to find out is any information that the Department holds about who tarmacked the road, when, were any works or repairs works carried out on it, who gave permission, who actually owns the road etc. Any information that you could turn up could be of interest, no matter how long ago.

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