DfI/2019-0254: EIR Request for information on complaints about kerbstones received by DfI Roads

Date published: 11 March 2020


DfI/2019-0254: EIR Request for information on complaints about kerbstones received by DfI Roads. Specifically:

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request details of complaints made in relation to kerbstones being painted, obscured by illegal advertising, damaged, graffitied, etc.

1. In each year from 2016 to present, please disclose the following:
a) The number of instances recorded and/or complaints received in relation to the painting of kerbstones.
b) For each instance/complaint in 1(a), please give the location (i.e. street and town/village/city) of the kerbstones, the date of the report/complaint, and the colours in which the kerbstones were painted.
c) The number of people prosecuted, fined or reprimanded in relation to painting kerbstones.
d) For each instance in 1(c), please give the location of the kerbstones, the colours in which the kerbstones were painted, and any available details of the reprimand.

2. For the periods May 2018 to August 2018 and June 2019 to present, please disclose a copy of all correspondence sent and received (redacted where appropriate if necessary) internally and externally in relation to kerbstones painted in rainbow colours at the corner of Union Street and Donegall Street in central Belfast.

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