DfI/2019-0197: EIR Request for details of costs incurred for the upgrade of works at Allison’s crossing at Scotchtown Road in Bellarena, Limavady and the crossing at McConaghy’s, Shore Avenue at Myroe in Limavady

Date published: 15 October 2019


DfI/2019-0197: EIR Request for details of costs incurred for the upgrade of works at Allison’s crossing at Scotchtown Road in Bellarena, Limavady and the crossing at McConaghy’s, Shore Avenue at Myroe in Limavady. Specifically:

I am writing on behalf of a constituent seeking clarification on what appears to be a refusal to provide the costs for the upgrade works to two Translink railway crossings in my constituency.

My colleague, has corresponded with Translink on two occasions seeking the financial outlay for what is known as Allison's crossing at Scotchtown Road in Bellarena, Limavady and the crossing known as McConaghy's crossing at Shore Avenue, Myroe in Limavady, crossing number XL 196. Translink state that such information would be exempt from release however, the constituent has insisted that Translink's interpretation of the FOI process is incorrect.

I write to request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) the costs incurred by the Department for upgrade at the locations detailed above, as it is difficult to understand why such information would be exempt.

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