DfI/2019-0192: EIR Request for information relating to planning applications (L/2014/0524 and L/2014/0525F) submitted regarding a quarry site at Cleggan, Belcoo, Co. Fermanagh

Date published: 15 October 2019


DfI/2019-0192: EIR Request for information relating to planning applications (L/2014/0524 and L/2014/0525F) submitted regarding a quarry site at Cleggan, Belcoo, Co. Fermanagh. Specifically:

Information relating to a written commitment provided to the Department in relation to planning applications (L/2014/0524 and L/2014/0525F) submitted regarding a quarry site at Cleggan, Belcoo, Co. Fermanagh, including:

  1. Copies of all correspondence/notes of meetings/discussions with Departmental officials (include the Chief Planner, the Minister or his Special Advisor) and the applicant and/or his representatives: and
  2. The legal enforceability of this commitment.
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