DfI/2019-0183: EIR Request for information about PIP reference number W1988620 relating to the Baranilt Road/Lisnakilly Road junction, Limavady

Date published: 15 October 2019


DfI/2019-0183: EIR Request for information about PIP reference number W1988620 relating to the Baranilt Road/Lisnakilly Road junction, Limavady.

The specific request is as follows: 

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information act I wish to request the following information in relation to reference number W1988620 reported using the NI Direct online reporting facility on 14th January 2019 at 9.24am.

  1. What time and date was this report received in Northern Division Road Service.
  2. What happened to the report between the dates 14.1.2019 & 28.3.2019 until a follow up email had been sent asking for a progress update, I wish to see all papers/emails in relation to this.
  3. What happened to the report between 28.3.2019 & the response issued (16.4.2019) from Roads Service, again I wish to see all papers/emails etc. between these dates.
  4. Please supply copy of reports which roads service used in basing their response on as referred to in email to myself by a member of roads service staff on 16.4.2019.
  5. Please detail how many times staff from roads service visited this junction to see for themselves the problems raised in my original communication what times the visits took place at and how long they lasted.
  6. Please supply any notes/photos etc. that roads service staff took on any visits carried out.
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