DfI/2019-0164: EIR Request for all information held on the assessment of road defects at Knockmore Park, Bangor

Date published: 14 October 2019


DfI/2019-0164: EIR Request for all information held on the assessment of road defects at Knockmore Park, Bangor.

The specific request is as follows:

Enquiry reference number: W19893990

  • Incident date: 12/02/2019 09:48:41
  • Street Reference: Knockmore Park, Bangor, Ards and North Down
  • Enquiry Type: Broken Flags/Kerbs (SD)
  • Enquiry Comments: caller would like to have the whole of Knockmore Road looked as the surface of the road is in a bad condition with cracks and potholes
  • Status: Investigation Completed
  • Findings/Action: The defect does not meet our current intervention levels and may be considered for inclusion in a future works programme subject to budgetary constraints.

I request details of all information held, including, but limited to, surveys, emails, reports, notes made by any Officer, photographs that was used to determine the outcome of the above enquiry. In addition please provide information on the current intervention levels against which road defects are assessed and information held on the assessment of Knockmore Park against these intervention levels.

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