DfI/2019-0130: EIR Request for information relating to the implementation of a cycleway/segregated cycle lane on Victoria Street, Belfast, from junction of Gloucester Street and Chichester Street

Date published: 27 September 2019

DfI/2019-0130: EIR Request for information relating to the implementation of a cycleway/segregated cycle lane on Victoria Street, Belfast, from junction of Gloucester Street and Chichester Street.  Specifically:

Please provide information relating to the implementation of a cycleway/segregated cycle lane on Victoria Street, Belfast, from junction of Gloucester Street and Chichester Street:

  1. Please provide the Consultation, if one was carried out, to convert this stretch of road/footpath;
  2. Please provide anticipated user volumes for cyclists on this stretch of cycleway;
  3. Please provide details relating to the statutory information which made this stretch of road/footpath a mandatory cycle lane such as Traffic Regulation Order/By law, Amendment Order or any other instrument; and
  4. Please provide summary costs involved in undertaking the physical work to implement the cycleway.
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