DfI/2019-0118: EIR Request for the number of emails/letters sent to DfI Roads in 2018 from named elected representatives

Date published: 27 September 2019

DfI/2019-0118: EIR Request for the number of emails/letters sent to DfI Roads in 2018 from named elected representatives. Specifically:

Under the Freedom of Information Act could let me know how many emails/letters have been sent to TNI including the street lighting section for the elected representatives listed below for period 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2018.

  • Lady Sylvia Hermon MP;
  • Alex Easton MLA;
  • Gordon Dunne MLA;
  • Stephen Farry MLA;
  • Stephen Agnew MLA; and
  • Alan Chambers MLA.
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