DfI/2019-0092: FOI Request for information on the four taxi classes, number of applicants undertaking the Taxi Theory Test and the number of DVA Enforcement Officers undertaking roadside inspections across Northern Ireland

Date published: 27 September 2019

DfI/2019-0092: FOI Request for information on the four taxi classes, number of applicants undertaking the Taxi Theory Test and the number of DVA Enforcement Officers undertaking roadside inspections across Northern Ireland. Specifically:

Please provide the information requested below:

  1. During the year January-December 2017 what were the numbers operating in each of the four Taxi Classes? Please supply the individual totals for Class A, B, C and D.
  2. During the same period how many Class A, B, C and D taxis were stopped and inspected by DVA roadside enforcement? Please supply the individual totals for each class.
  3. During the same period how many taxi drivers operating under the Class A, B, C and D were issued with fixed penalties and /or prosecuted? Please supply the individual totals for each class.
    Please supply the same information detailed above for the period January- December 2018.
  4. Since the introduction of the Taxi Theory Test how many applicants in total have attempted the test?
    How many applicants have attempted the test more than once? How many applicants have attempted the test more than twice? How many applicants have attempted the test more than 3 times? How many applicants have attempted the test more than 4 times? How many applicants have attempted the test more than 5 times?
  5. How many DVA enforcement officers carry out roadside inspections across N.I.? 
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