DfI/2019-0032: EIR Request for copies of inspection records of the Kilmascally Road, Ardboe from January 2015 to February 2019

Date published: 05 July 2019


DfI/2019-0032: EIR Request for copies of inspection records of the Kilmascally Road, Ardboe from January 2015 to February 2019. Specifically:

I wish to have copies of inspections records of the Kilmascally Road, Ardboe (Cookstown Section), from January 2015 until February 2019. This is stretch from the Mullanahoe Road junction at McConville’s shop to where ever it ends. This section contains a footpath both sides of the road towards the GAA field/Play-park.

Specifically I request - all Inspections carried out from 2015 until todays date, on this particular stretch on foot, that being those inspections where the Inspectors can positively confirm that they walked the footpaths on the days of the inspection from McConville’s shop to the pitch one side and back up the other.

Please only send the records that have been confirmed as having been walked and if applicable, please list the inspection dates where the inspectors cannot confirm that they did so on foot.

Please also send all complaints, phone calls, online reports etc. in relation to defects reported on this stretch for the same date.

Please also send the guidelines detailing what constitutes a defective kerb that these inspections would identify during these walked inspections that covers from 2015 until today's date.

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