DFI/2023-0443 - EIR requst for details of parking enforcement activities in Fletcher Avenue, L'Derry, including: 1) the dates TAs visited; 2) the number of PCNs issued; 3) the frequency of TA visits; 4) frequency of TA visits in the surrounding area; etc.

Date published: 29 January 2024

DFI/2023-0443: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of parking enforcement activities in Fletcher Avenue, Derry/Londonderry, including: 1) the dates TAs visited Fletcher Avenue; 2) the number of PCNs issued; 3) the frequency of TA visits; 4) the frequency of TA visits in the surrounding area; 5) how parking enforcementactivities are planned; & 6) the number of complaints received about parking contraventions, in the last 30 days/6 months.

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