DFI/2023-0209 - FOI request for details of the number of carriageway defects or other faults logged via any communication route, 05 May 2022 to 05 May 2023, by each of the Newtownards DEA councillors.

Date published: 18 July 2023

DFI/2023-0209: A Freedom of Information Act 2000 request for details of the number of carriageway defect or other faults logged via any communication route, 05 May 2022 to 05 May 2023, by each of the Newtownards DEA councillors: 1) N. Armstrong-Cotter; 2) S. McIlveen; 3) C. Kennedy; 4) A. McDowell; 5) S. Irvine; 6) V. Moore; & 7) R. Smart.

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