DFI/2023-0159 - EIR request for details of DfI’s position in relation land it owns & Planning Application LA05/2022/0946, Drumvale, 155 Ballyskeagh Road, Drumbeg, Belfast, including: 1) any steps required to dispose of lands; etc.

Date published: 07 July 2023

DFI/2023-0159: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details of DfI’s position in relation land it owns & Planning Application LA05/2022/0946, Drumvale, 155 Ballyskeagh Road, Drumbeg, Belfast, including: 1) any steps required to dispose of the lands; 2) if consultation is required for the disposal of the property;  3) whether planning permission being granted would encourage disposal; 4) if the planned development could proceed without the DfI-owned land; 5) how DfI establishes market value for its lands; & 6) copies of any records of an information sharing meeting between DfI & the developer’s agent about the site.

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