DFI/2023-0149 - EIR request for details held about Knock Iveagh Wind Turbine (Q/2012/0303/F), Katesbridge, including any analysis: 1) of the lawfulness of the development; 2) about the impact of the development on the Knock Iveagh Cairn, etc.

Date published: 07 July 2023

DFI/2023-0149: An Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request for details held about Knock Iveagh Wind Turbine (Q/2012/0303/F), Katesbridge, including any analysis: 1) of the lawfulness of the development; 2) about the impact of the development on the Knock Iveagh Cairn, a scheduled monument (DOW 041:022), or its setting,  including the views of: a) the Department for Communities, particularly the Historic Environment Division (HED); b) Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon District Council, or agents; or c) the Friends of Knock Iveagh campaign group.

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