Minister O’Dowd announces completion of £6.3 million Shimna River Flood Alleviation Scheme

Date published: 27 October 2022

Infrastructure Minister, John O’Dowd has announced the completion of the £6.3million Shimna River Flood Alleviation Scheme.

The Minister is pictured with Gerrard McColgan, Contracts Director, Dawson Wam and Owen McGivern, DfI 

The Minister was on site to view the completed scheme that will bring 312 homes and businesses enhanced flood protection and reduced flood risk. The scheme involved the construction of 1430 metres of flood walls and embankments that extend both upstream into Tipperary Wood and downstream into Island Park from the New Bridge on the Bryansford Road.

Minister O’Dowd said:

“The completion of this vital scheme is good news for the 312 homes and businesses that will now have enhanced protection from the risks and impacts of flooding.

“Many people in this area have experienced the heart-breaking consequences caused by flooding events in the past and I hope they see today as a positive milestone for the protection of this community.

“Unfortunately extreme weather events are a stark reminder of the climate crisis and the harsh reality that climate change has increased the risk of flooding.”

The Minister concluded:

“Finally I want to thank the contractor for the hard work and dedication to this project and also the local residents and businesses for their continued patience and cooperation whilst these much needed works were carried out.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. Photo caption: Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd viewing the completed flood defences at the £6.3 million Shimna River Flood Alleviation Scheme. The Minister is pictured with Gerrard McColgan, Contracts Director, Dawson Wam and Owen McGivern, DfI 
  2. The scheme has been planned and developed by the Department with the assistance of Consulting Engineers Aecom who also acted on behalf of the Department as the Project Manager to oversee the successful delivery by the contractor Dawson Wam Ltd.
  3. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office at:
  4. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  5. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra and on Facebook @DepartmentforInfrastructure.


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