O’Dowd welcomes completion of pedestrian safety improvement scheme at the McKinstry Road Roundabout, Dunmurry

Date published: 19 July 2022

Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has announced that a pedestrian safety improvement scheme at the McKinstry Road Roundabout, Dunmurry is now complete.

odowd mckinstry road roundabout scheme

The scheme includes realignment of the roundabout and the provision of three new PUFFIN controlled pedestrian crossings on Creighton Road, McKinstry Road and Stewartstown Road.  The PUFFIN crossings became operational today.  

Minister O’Dowd said:

“This scheme will improve pedestrian safety along this busy thoroughfare while enhancing access to the local Glider Halt, Business Park, school and the new McDonald’s Drive Thru Restaurant.

 “Completion of the scheme will improve road safety for pedestrians and in particular vulnerable road users such as children, the elderly, those who are visually impaired and those with a disability.

“The crossings will also improve active travel opportunities in the area, providing safer access to those wishing to walk, wheel or cycle.  I would like to thank local residents for their patience while the work was completed.”

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