Planning advert - LA10/2021/1231/TBA - notification of decision (Feb 2022)

Date published: 23 February 2022

Copy of the advert published advising planning permission has been approved for the following planning application in the Republic of Ireland.

Ref No LA10/2021/1231/TBA
Location Swanlinbar Quarry, Swanlinbar, Co.Cavan
Proposal For the continued use of existing 44.5ha limestone quarry and ancillary works permitted under Planning Ref 02/949 (An Bord Pleanála Ref PL.02.203303) with quarrying operations continuing to extend laterally over an area of c. 4ha in order to reach the full extents of quarrying previously permitted and a vertical extension resulting in a maximum quarry floor depth of 25mAOD, over a period of up to 20 years, with the restoration to a waterbody and biodiverse habitats following the completion of extraction.
Dates Advertised 23 & 24 February 2022


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