Motorcyclists killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties in Northern Ireland, 2015-2019 statistical bulletin published

Date published: 24 June 2021

Motorcyclists killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties in Northern Ireland, 2015-2019 is now available. This bespoke analysis was commissioned by Promotion and Outreach Branch, DFI, and supplements the NI Road Safety Strategy (NIRSS) to 2020 Annual Statistical Report.

Statistical press release

The publication is available on the ASRB website at:

Key Points

Trend Information

  • The number of motorcyclist KSI casualties has fallen since the start of the trend in 2002. The annual average number of motorcyclist KSI casualties in 2015-2019 (92) is 40% less than the 2004-2008 baseline average.
  • In the five years 2015-2019, there were a total of 458 motorcyclist KSI casualties, accounting for 11% of all KSIs. This proportion has remained fairly constant over the years veering slightly between 11% and 13%.
  • When taking into account the relative risk of vehicle kilometres travelled for the time period, motorcyclist fatalities and KSIs per 100 million kilometres are by far the highest, making them the most vulnerable road group in terms of distance travelled.

Motorcyclist KSI casualty Profile

In 2015-2019:

  • The vast majority of motorcyclist KSIs were male - In 2015-2019, 96% (439) were male compared with 4% (19) female, and proportions have been virtually unchanged since the baseline.
  • Motorcyclists aged 35-49 reported the greatest numbers of motorcyclist KSIs in 2015-2019 (130, or 28%), with those in the age group 50-64 reporting a further 117 (26%). There has been a shift in age profile over time with riders aged 50 and over making up almost a third of motorcyclist KSIs between 2015 and 2019 in comparison with just 9% being from this age range for the baseline period. In contrast, younger motorcyclist KSIs made up less than a fifth of the total between 2015 and 2019 (18%) while 16 to 24 year old riders accounted for over a third (35%) of motorcyclist KSIs between 2004 and 2008.
  • Almost two fifths (39%) of all motorcyclist KSI casualties injured in the last five years occurred on a Saturday or Sunday.
  • Over four fifths of KSI casualties amongst motorcyclists occurred during daylight hours with 71% occurring between April and September.
  • The most common principal causation factors for motorcycle KSI casualties between 2015 and 2019 were ‘inattention or attention diverted’ (55 KSI casualties, 12%)  ‘turning right without care’ (54 KSI casualties, 12%) and ‘overtaking on offside without care (48 KSI casualties, 10%).
  • In terms of responsibility, the proportions were almost split exactly 50/50 with 227 motorcyclists (49.6%) out of the 458 total being responsible for their injuries. While motorcyclists were more likely to be responsible for inattention, overtaking and speeding causations, those assigned to other road users were much more likely to occur at a junction.
  • Motorcyclist KSIs were overrepresented on urban roads, with 216 of the 458 KSI casualties occurring on roads with a speed limit of 40 miles per hour or less. In contrast, the reverse was true for motorcyclist fatalities with the 19 out of 27 (70%) motorcycle road deaths being higher proportionally than the 63% of deaths on country roads observed for all fatalities.  Urban roads are roads with a speed limit less than or equal to 40mph; rural roads are roads with a speed limit greater than 40mph (excluding motorways and dual carriageways).
  • Analysis of junction details shows that approximately half (51%) of all motorcycle users killed or seriously injured occurred at a T or staggered junction or private drive/entrance.

Notes to editors: 

  1. Motorcyclists killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties, 2015-2019 is part of a suite of problem profiles produced over the last few years, and is an update of the previous profile of Motorcyclist casualty research brief produced in 2014. 
  2. The majority of the data within the report derives from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Road Traffic Collision Statistics, and is typically based on the period 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2019. The report first looks at the overall trend in motorcyclist KSI casualty numbers from a 2002 until 2019. The profile of motorcyclist KSIs in 2015-2019 is then examined (age, gender), followed by analysis of when and where motorcycle KSI casualties occur, principal cause of collision, and who is deemed responsible. A series of maps showing areas with the greatest number of motorcyclist KSIs is also included.
  3. To provide context, the number of motorcycles licensed for 2002 to 2019 using the Northern Ireland Transport Statistics and Driver & Vehicle Agency Statistics have also been provided.
  4. The Department will use the information presented in this publication to support policy development. The report provides departmental officials with the current picture of motorcyclist KSI casualties, and provides evidence to allow them to consider the best ways to try to reduce casualty numbers.
  5. Further information and electronic copies of motorcyclists killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties in Northern Ireland, 2015-2019 are available at:
  1. For more information relating to this publication, including additional analysis, breakdowns of data, or alternative formats please contact:
Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch
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Clarence Court
10 - 18 Adelaide Street
BT2 8GB     
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  2. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  3. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra and on Facebook @DepartmentforInfrastructure.

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