Planning advert - LA10/2019/1411/TBA - notification of appeal (Nov 2020)

Date published: 18 November 2020

Copy of the advert published advising that An Bord Pleanála has received a planning appeal in relation to Donegal County Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for the following proposal which is likely to have significant effects on the environment in Northern Ireland.

Ref. No. LA10/2019/1411/TBA
Location Derrykillew and Corlea, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal
Proposal Application for a ten year planning permission for amendments to the wind farm development previously permitted under An Bord Pleanala Ref: PL.05E.245108 (Donegal Co.Co. Ref 14/51400) consisting of the following alterations to the permitted wind farm; (a) increase in tip height of the five permitted turbines from 136m to 150m; (b) amendment to locations of permitted turbine Nos 1 and 3; (c) increase in size of permitted hardstanding areas; (d) upgrading of existing access tracks and provision of new site access roads; (e) all associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines to the onsite substation; (f) all associated site development works (including tree felling).
Date(s) advertised 18 & 19 November 2020






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