DfI/2019-0376: EIR Request for information relating to parking enforcement and fixed penalty charges issued at a loading bay on Chichester Street in Belfast

Date published: 09 June 2020


DfI/2019-0376: EIR Request for information relating to parking enforcement and fixed penalty charges issued at a loading bay on Chichester Street in Belfast. Specifically: 

Information relating to parking enforcement on Chichester Street in Belfast, relating to an appeal of a Penalty Charge Notice:

1) I require to know how many fixed penalty charges have been issued at a specified loading bay at Chichester Street, Belfast, since the information sign was removed/vandalised?

2) Did the Parking Attendant know that there was no statutory sign adjacent to the loading bay?

3) At what date were you aware that the statutory sign has been removed?

4) If you are not aware of the date the statutory sign was removed, do you know who removed the sign and for what purpose? 

5) What is the advice to your parking attendants in the event that a vehicle parks in a loading bay which has no statutory sign, no loading observed and parked longer than the 5 minutes allowed??

6) What are the Departmental guidelines regarding statutory signage for loading bays?

7) I would like a copy of the report from your Divisional Liaison Officer with regard to this loading bay.

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